
Back in 1968, my father Dietrich Kroll used his electrical engineering expertise to lay the foundation for a family business with a real future. Over the years, an up-and-coming company developed and in 2006 this became KROMA FĂĽllstandsmesstechnik GmbH. The name KROMA is a byword for tradition and growth. We have devoted a great deal of time and effort to research and development, enabling us to consistently break new ground in the field of level measurement technology. KROMA has established itself on the market as a specialist in all rail-related level measurement applications. The majority of our customers are rail industry component suppliers and system houses. Since the company was founded, KROMA has carried out numerous customised projects. The key to our success lies in short decision-making processes, personal commitment and impressive flexibility. We will provide you with expert professional advice. We also set great store by direct and personal face-to-face contact.

Benefit from a one-stop shop

KROMA manufactures electronic level measuring systems for water/waste water and hydraulic/diesel/ fuel oil. Our equipment measures, monitors and displays levels for a range of fluids. Specialising in the extremely diverse requirements of rail vehicles, KROMA offers one-stop, customised solutions – each fine-tuned right down to the last detail and catering to your every need. Our strategy of combining development, production and sales under a single roof benefits you in many ways. The speed, efficiency and flexibility this provides gives you a real competitive edge.

Get a measure of our performance

KROMA level measurement systems are tried and tested over long periods of use, even under the severe stresses and extreme climatic conditions encountered in rail transport. Certifications from well-known inspection bodies are testament to this. Our display equipment is both stylish and functional. It is easy to assemble and operate, a fact you will soon come to appreciate when you see the positive effect on your productivity. Our key objective when developing new measuring devices is to make them reliable, robust and maintenance-free. Close cooperation with our customers is an essential part of this process. One example of this collaboration is the KROMA CAN bus system, which is quick and easy to install. Innovation is the driving force behind the company, as demonstrated by numerous patents and registered utility models.

Global KROMA customer base

Our satisfied customers in the rail industry know that the KROMA registered trademark is a byword for quality. Our equipment is used worldwide and, over the past few years, the ongoing development of international business contacts has enabled us to steadily increase the proportion of products being exported. Thanks to intelligent level measurement technology and products that excel in terms of service life and performance, KROMA can count well-known names from Germany, the rest of Europe and beyond among its customers.